Saturday, 14 May 2011


Once again one of the most influent film festival in Europe and, what is more, around the world started this week its 64th edition. From the 11th till the 22nd of may the city of Cannes will greet artists and film professionals from around the world.
As it is common since several editions ago, we will be able to find some interesting features of Korean cinema that has become a must for this festival.
If we take a look among the films included in the section “Un certain regard”, we can find three South Korean films: Arirang (dir. Kim Ki-duk), The day he arrives (dir. Hong Sang-soo), and The yellow sea (or The Murderer) (dir. Na Hong-jin). Among the directors of these three films, probably two of them will recall us to past editions, as it is the case of Kim Ki-duk and Hong Sang-soo that repeat the experience while Na Hong-jin presents for the first time a work in this competition.
These three films will have to compete among the 21 movies of this section (including them). At the moment I have seen none of these films but I am willing to see the three of them. Probably, Arirang is the one that interest me the most. The reason that moves my interest it is maybe Kim Ki-duk acting role. It is not a common feature seeing Kim Ki-duk acting in his movies and taking the weight of the acting role. In fact, I think I haven’t seen him acting before (although he appeared slightly in Breath). Here it is the Trailer if you want to take a look.

Hong Sang-soo, director of The day he arrives, has also presented other of his film in Cannes. In 2005 Tale of Cinema was entered in the section “In Competition”. In 2004, another film of this director, Woman is the future of men, was also classified in this section. But it was not till the last edition, in 2010, when one of his films, Hahaha, won the Prix Un Certain Regard.

The most inexperienced one, Na Hong-jin, has been classified for the first time with his film The yellow sea. I have just watched the trailer but it seems to be a great thriller, without mention that the film was top at the box office when it was openned on December 22, 2010.

These are not the only Korean piece of work presented in the festival. If we move to the Cinéfondation category we will encounter a short film directed by Son Tae-gyum. This work tells the story of a boy that has sex with a man for money. The man suggest the boy to meet again and ask him for his phone number but later on the boy’s brother will confiscate the cell phone.
Will one of them get the great prize of the section? As I have seen none of the films selected in this section, I can not predict about the results so we will have to wait till the 22nd for the jury’s decision.

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